Sunday, September 18, 2016


Week three marks the first full week of school.  Classroom procedures became routine and familiar enabling us to have heaps of hands on activities. This exploratory approach helps students take ownership of their learning and solidifies the concepts they are learning. 

Activity Highlights
Math: Flip flops-  Students used unifix cube manipulatives to learn about the commutative property of addition.  Using manipulatives helps students understand this abstract concept be providing something concrete to hold onto.

Reading- Each day students practiced reading in a variety of ways.  In one activity students practiced vowel sound identification through a bingo game.  After a word was read aloud students identified the vowel sound and put a token on the letter that made that sound.  

sprinkles "dance" as the music plays
Good vibrations-  Students learned more about sound waves through this exciting activity.  They used their voices and music to make sprinkles move.  This experience helped students understand that even though we can’t see it sound energy travels through the air in waves. 

Student sample

String Phones-  The making of string phones reinforced to idea that sound is vibration and these vibrations travel in waves through different materials. 

Books We Read:
Too Much Noise by Ann McGovern  
~We used this book to talk about how we use sound in the real world.  Sound is used to communicate, to make music, to make sound effects and much more!  We used sound to make a recorded version of this book with sound effects included! (Recording to come)  

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