Saturday, September 10, 2016


Read Well Book
This week we started our Walk to Solve and Walk to Read math and language arts groups.  We also started our first science unit: SOUND!  As a classroom that follows the state and nation wide education standards we jumped right in to some great learning.  For the next couple weeks we will focus on Montana Common Core Standards, 1.NBT.1 and 1.OA.3 in math and Next Generation Science Standard PS4.1 and PS4.4.  In reading, we use the Read Well Program and are focusing on increasing phonological awareness and sight word proficiency at the students' instructional level in small groups. 

Teacher Sample 
Activity Highlights
Math: Shake & Spill-  Students used foam chips with different colored sides to find and record all the different ways to add to five.  We took that data and compiled it into an organized list to discover a pattern. Then we used that pattern to find the ways to add to all the numbers between 3-10. 

Student Sample of Science Notebook

Science: Science Notebooks-  Students compiled all they learned during class experiments into their interactive science notebooks. 

Guess that Sound-  Students used their newly learned sound vocabulary words to guess what objects were hidden in plastic eggs.

Waves in Water- In this hands on experience, students learned about how sound travels in waves much like ripple patterns in water. 

Books We Read:
Too Much Noise by Ann McGovern  
~This story hooked students in and introduced the topic of sound.
Student Sample from Listening Walk

The listening walk by Paul Showers
~This book is all about listening to the sounds we hear every day.  After reading the students went on their very own listening walk and recorded the sounds they heard. 

What is sound? by Charlotte Gullain
~This informative book uses a repetitive theme that helped students become familiar with key sound concepts and vocabulary. 

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